Tips and Trik For Removing Acne
Body Acne - What You Need To Do To End It
Body acne is found in different parts of the body including the back, chest, legs, shoulders and neck. Studies show that the majority of people suffering from facial acne also have body acne. It is common in teenagers and young adults. There are different types of body acne and treatment methods will depend on the type. Here are the types of acne which can develop on the body.
These acne types appear as small bumps with a white center. They might be so small that you might not notice them. Whiteheads form when the hair follicle secretes excess sebum such that it clogs the skin pores. The sebum remains trapped under the skins surface. In addition to sebum, the whitehead also contains acne causing bacteria. This type of acne is also called closed comedones and is a non-inflamed type of acne.
These are another type of non-inflamed acne. Blackheads are also known as open comedones. They form as a result of sebum and bacteria accumulation within skin pores causing them to burst. This results in the oxidation of melanin resulting in the black coloration of the pimple.
Papules are commonly known as pimples. These are inflamed acne spots. They are visible to the naked eye and unlike whiteheads they don't have any visible fluids within them. Papules are usually less than one centimeter in diameter.
Pustules are another type of inflamed acne. They appear as small bumps with a whitish or yellowish center. The coloration comes from the pus found within the pustule and it comprises dead skin cells, white blood cells and sebum. They are usually larger than papules.
Nodules and cysts
These are severe types acne vulgaris. They are inflamed acne types and are particularly painful. Unlike other acne types which form just beneath the surface of the skin, nodules form deep within the skin and form large pimples on the surface. They are also a bit large and mostly grow over 1 centimeter on diameter. Cystic acne is an advanced type of nodular acne. They form as a result of nodular acne going untreated. The pus contained in the nodules seeps deep into the skin causing severe inflammation and swelling.
Identifying the type of acne you suffer from is the first step to finding effective treatment. It might help seeing a dermatologist to get a better picture about the type of acne you have. There isn't a specific cause of body acne. However, there are several factors which have been identified to cause acne on the body. These include the following.
Hormonal changes
Acne is common during puberty. At this stage, there are many different hormonal changes occurring within the body. These changes trigger excess sebum secretion which can lead to acne development. Another case where acne is triggered by hormonal changes is during the monthly cycle in women. Although acne is considered a hormonal condition, acne caused mainly by hormone imbalance is common among young adults.
Studies have shown that some types of acne tend to run through families. If your family has a history of acne, it is very likely that you will develop acne at a point in your life. Cystic acne is believed to be hereditary although almost anyone can develop this condition.
Diets high in processed sugar and dairy products have been closely associated with breakouts. High sugar levels in the blood trigger excess sebum production in the skin leading to breakouts.
Studies conducted have also found stress to be closely associated with acne breakouts. Stress usually triggers a hormonal change in the body which can lead to acne breakouts.
Treatment methods
Given the fact that there are different types of acne, the treatment methods available vary. The common methods available include use of antibiotics, skin care products and home based products. Treatment can also involve amazing lifestyle changes such as exercising and changing diet.
My free report detailing 5 steps to get rid of acne provides information on how you can treat acne using 5 practical steps. These treatment methods will work for you and there are no side effects involved.
To discover the 5 simple steps to curing acne, take advantage of this resource [] while it's still available. Finally get your acne under control, quickly and easily.
Great Tips for Acne - The Best Spot Home Remedies
Though adult acne is a common issue among the teenagers, it can affect anyone irrespective of their age. It can grow on almost every part of the body but is mostly visible on the back, chest, face and neck. Adult acne is not a severe health condition nor is it a life threatening disease however; it can leave ugly scars and spoil the texture of the skin.
There are numerous simple and effective home remedies for acne that can prove to be highly beneficial. While the exact cause of adult acne is not known, the likely causes include anxiety, hormonal changes, cosmetics and bacteria.
Acne can also be caused by the build-up of the normal skin pigment in the oil gland ducts. Moreover, acne can occur when the excess oil secreted by the skin combines with the dead skin cells and obstruct the skin pores.
This occurrence allows the bacteria to thrive and multiply rapidly and thus increases the soreness of the skin lead to inflammation. Without appropriate remedies the acne spots might cause lasting scars which indirectly hinders the person who suffers from acne, emotionally and also cause social damage.
Several medication, prescription, laser surgeries and other conventional adult acne treatment methods are expensive and cause major side effects. Due to these factors, many people switch to home remedies for acne.
Oats and Honey:
Honey contains antiseptic and toning elements while oats possesses the ability to soak surplus oil from the skin. If a fine paste honey and oats is applied on the affected region two to three times per week, it can easily decrease the production of oil in the skin and consequently the occurrence of adult acne reduces.
It is considered to be one of the most useful home remedies for acne. To prepare the paste, combine 1/2 cup cooked oats with 1/8 cup honey. After the paste cools down, apply it on the skin and allow it to work for 15 minutes before washing it off with warm water.
Lime juice and rose water:
Add equal quantity of lime juice and rose water and mix it well. Apply the mixture on the face using a cotton ball. Let it dry. Wash the face after half an hour. Continue to apply this mixture for 2-3 weeks for the results to show.
Vitamins C & E:
These vitamins revitalize the skin. By including Vitamins C and E in the day to day diet one can rejuvenate their skin and ultimately get relieved from adult acne. These vitamins also prevent acne from re-emerging.
Rub garlic cloves on the acne affected area, few times a day. It will destroy the bacteria and purge the skin from acne.
Tea tree oil:
It performs the task of antiseptic as well as antifungal components. It also heals the severity of acne outburst. This oil is effectual against mild to temperate acne. One has to apply the oil on the acne directly using a cotton ball, before going to bed. Use diluted tea tree oil else, it may aggravate the inflammation.
Cod liver oil:
Consumption of a cod liver oil capsule per day can aid in reducing adult acne and also minimize the flares. This remedy has to be continued for a few days after the acne vanishes on order to prevent future occurrences.
Zinc supplement:
It is one of the best home remedies for acne. Zinc is essential to maintain healthy skin and can cleanse the skin off acne by supporting the hormone balance and regulation.
Apple cider vinegar:
It prevents the spread of acne in many ways. It clears away the excessive oil, controls the skin's natural pH and is an antibacterial agent. If apple cider vinegar is applied directly on the acne infected areas using a cotton ball, it provides instant relief from mild acne. Pouring half a cup of vinegar on boiling water and allowing the vapor to engulf the affected area can be favorable.
Egg yolk:
It serves as an exceptional remedy for adult acne. This curing process gets rid of the acne and aids to eliminate it quickly. Apply the egg yolk on the acne region directly, two times daily and notice the significant improvement.
It is a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent which makes it valuable in the healing process of adult acne. To make the paste, one has to squash four peppermint leaves and apply the crushed leaves on the adult acne prone areas. Rinse thoroughly after 10 minutes with cool water.
These successful home remedies for acne not only help to address the problem of adult acne but also prevents it from reappearing. These acne curing tips I've provided will save you a lot of time and money for sure.
My name is Sunil Visvambaram. I'm currently doing a research on natural adult acne treatments and writing articles on my findings. Acne is a skin disorder condition that affects almost any part of your body. But it primarily affects on your face. This has become a serious issue that many actually overlook. In fact, it affects more than 17 million adults in the US alone! If you let your acne unattended, it can really turn out to become a severe condition which needs medical attention. Please visit my website for more information on how to prevent, manage and cure your acne.
Types of Acne
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When you think of acne, the standard pimple may be all that comes to mind. However, there are actually several types. These include whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, acne vulgaris, acne rosacea, acne conglobata, acne fulminans, gram-negative folliculitis, pyoderma faciale and rosacea fulminans.
Blackheads and Whiteheads: Comedonal Acnes
Blackheads are open comedonal acne that results when pores are partially blocked which allows some of the sebum and bacteria to slowly drain to the skin's surface. On the other hand, whiteheads are closed comedonal acne which occurs when pores are completely clogged and causes the sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells to be trapped which leads to the forming of a tiny white spot in the surface of the skin. Moreover, blackheads are longer in life cycle than whiteheads. These two types are Grade I inflammatory types of acne.
Papules and Pustules
Papules and Pustules are Grade II inflammatory types of acne which are commonly referred to as pimples. Papules are red inflamed bumps without head while pustules are inflamed ones which appear as a red circle with a center of white or yellow. They usually develop when a whitehead has become swollen and then eventually ruptures, thus releasing the contents to the dermis. When the pus reaches the surface of the epidermis, it is known as a pustule and is frequently referred to as a pimple or zit.
Acne Vulgaris, Acne Rosacea, and Acne Conglobata
The most common type of acne is acne vulgaris, which includes the previously discussed types, as well as nodules and cysts. The last two characterize the severity of acne vulgaris. Nodules are large hard bumps beneath the skin which can be painful and can last for a few months. An acne cyst is filled with pus, though it appears like that of a nodule. If you squeeze a cyst, you will frequently suffer painful inflammation that could last longer than if you had just left it alone.
Another type is the acne rosacea which is commonly confused with acne vulgaris because of their similarity. Most people affected by this type of acne are those in their 30s. It is a red rash which is usually confined to the cheeks, forehead, nose or chin. Bumps, skin blemishes and pimples usually come with the red rash.
Acne conglobata is more common in males and is the most severe type of acne vulgaris. It is characterized by large lesions and blackheads. The cause of this type of acne is unknown and the usual treatment is Accutane. To control it, aggressive treatment over time may be needed.
Acne Fulminans and Rosacea Fulminans
Acne Fulminans is a sudden inception of acne conglabata-like symptoms which includes fever and aching joints. The typical treatment is confinement in a hospital for three to five weeks.
On the other hand, rosacea fulminans, which is also called pyoderma faciale, affects only women between 20 to 40 years old. This is characterized with large nodules which are usually painful and sores which may result in scars. It does not last longer than a year but can occur on the skin of a woman who has never been prone to acne before.
Gram-Negative Folliculitis
This bacterial infection comes with pustules and cysts which could have resulted from long term antibiotic treatment of acne vulgaris. This is a rare type of acne.
Now that you know the different types of acne, I invite you to take a look at a simple pimples cure []. While you're there, you can also check out the acne diet [].
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