The Right Medicine You Use To Get Rid Of Acne
Combination Skin - What Are the Best Acne Products to Use on Combination Skin?
Acne Cures And Remedies.
Natural and effective treatments for this skin disorder for everyone who ever experiences acne of skin blemishes will need to learn just what they are and how to cure Acne. There are quite a lot of people who will have this skin disorder during some point in their life and will need to understand that there are several natural ways to rid themselves of acne scaring. These cures and remedies are natural treatments and effective ways to help cure these problems about acne with the skin. Here are some of the most effective acne cures and remedies that are helping many others with this skin problem naturally.
Acne is a very common skin disease found in many humans and are characterized by certain areas of the skin where it is red skin, white and blackheads, pustules, papules, nodules and even scarring. This disease affects acne areas of the skin that has the densest amount of sebaceous follicles, but with acne cures and remedies this can be avoided.
They can be found in areas like the face, arms, chest and back. Some acne can be very severe and it can also be manifested as inflammatory as well. Some of the causes acne are from changes in the pilosebaceous units, along with the associated sebaceous glands and also changes that require some stimulation of androgen.
This skin problem (acne)
This skin problem (acne) is very common during adolescence and can continue right into adulthood where it can then turn to scarring, but when using acne cures and remedies this can be cured. With adolescence the skin disorder can be the result of the increase of testosterone, which both genders go through during the time of puberty. In some cases this problem acne does diminish over a time period and will go away or decrease as the person reaches into the early twenties, but with the acne cures and remedies this problem can be resolved.
But for many others this can become a life time of suffering and will be difficult to ever predict if and when they will ever go away at all. This problem acne can be carried into the adulthood as late as the forties and more. Beside scarring, this problem can also have a psychological effect on many people by reducing their self esteem and in some cases, even depression is known to occur. It is important to prevent this from happening to use the acne cures and remedies.
You should be able to find several acne cures on the market that are designed to assist in fighting this skin problem. Some of these acne cures and remedies are vitamin A, zinc, tea tree oil and aloe vera. There are many products that are out on the market that do promise to help with this kind of skin problem, but many of them contain chemicals that may not be advisable to use, which makes the natural acne cures a more safer type of treatment for this skin acne disease.
The several natural acne cures and remedies for this problem with the skin should take around four weeks before you notice a change. To start with making a honey mask is one of the acne cures and remedies for this skin disorder. This will need to be applied onto the face on the affected areas at least once or even twice a week. Honey is known to have antibacterial properties and is good for healing and disinfectant for some minor blemishes and is a great idea for acne cures and remedies to use.
So taking multi vitamins can be very helpful when you want to find acne cures and remedies.
It is known that vitamin A will help to strengthen the protective tissue inside of the skin and can prevent acne from forming, as it helps to reduce any sebum production and is a great acne cures and remedies that is effective. One great source of vitamin A can be found in carrots. So eating plenty of carrots will provide plenty of beta - carotene is another one of the several acne cures and remedies.
Tea tree oil is another effective way of fighting and preventing this problem and is yet another one of many acne cures and remedies being used to fight and prevent this skin disease. This is due to the fact that it contains substance called terpenes, which acts as a bacteria fighting substance. It is known that acne is caused from bacteria and it is the terpenes that will kill off the bacteria that creates acne.
The watery substance or gel that is found in aloe vera is another one of the more natural acne cures and remedies that is very effective for fighting acne. It is the enzyme rich gel which has a very soothing and anti inflammatory bacterial properties that are acne cures and remedies that shall help to reduce or prevent this skin disorder from occurring.
If you wear any makeup and have this skin disease, then now is the time to stop using it. When leaving any makeup on the face will clog up the pores and it will contribute to acne forming on the skin. But, if you really feel that you must wear it, then it is best to only use makeup that is water based.
One thing to take into consideration for one of the acne cures and remedies is to be sure that your pillow case is washed and changed each day as the face is always laying on it when sleeping. The pillow case will absorb oils that are from the skin and will reapply dirt along with oil back onto the facial skin. This will lead to breakouts of acne, so it is a good idea to always keep the pillow cases clean and fresh, as this can also be considered acne cures and remedies for this problem.
One other very important thing to remember to do is to drink plenty of water each day is one of the most natural acne cures and remedies being commonly used, as this will be very beneficial for the skin and is another of many acne cures and remedies you can use. Also consider adding plenty of fresh fruits and vegetable to your daily diet, as this can help to improve the overall appearance of your skins complexion.
If you suffer from the embarrassing problems of acne or any other types of blemishes and are tired of using the over the counter products that never seem to help, then the natural acne cures and remedies mentioned above will certainly be very effective for fighting and preventing this kind of skin disease from ever occurring again in your life.
Acne can be a terrible time to go through, especially in adolescence, my wife and i decided to carry out some research into this problem and came up with those results. However to help kick start your acne cure go to the following address for more information. []
Making Sense Of Acne Medications
A recent Google search for "acne medications" came up with about 1,000,000 "hits". This article about acne attempts to make some organized sense out of all this information for you. As is always recommended, a personalized treatment and comprehensive care plan should be designed in consultation with a trusted board certified physician, even when considering the use of over the counter products for treating acne. This article about acne is meant for educational purposes only and not intended to substitute for sound medical care, serve as medical advice or to represent as a sole guide to treatment.
I. Mild to Moderate Acne - Topical Medications
Typically, "over the counter" (OTC) topical medications are satisfactory for treating mild to moderate acne. OTC products will usually include one or more of the following ingredients: Benzoyl Peroxide, Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Salicylic Acid, Retinoids, Nicotinamide, Tea Tree Oil, Sulfur, Resorcinol
Benzoyl Peroxide (BP) - OTC concentrations of 2.5%, 5%, and 10% BP are available in creams, gels or as a component of a facial soap/wash. Even higher concentrations of BP are used for hair bleaching and teeth whitening! Better results will be obtained using the 10% concentration for acne. BP probably represents the overall single best and most successful anti-acne medication that there is. Allergic type reactions (occurring in about 3% of the population) are possible and are characterized by significant itching, peeling, and/or swelling. But BP can cause these effects to some degree even when it is working normally and doing what it is supposed to do! Building tolerance to a topical anti-acne medication so that it can do its job - this is a theme/strategy with almost every topical anti-acne medication. So start slowly and at a lower strength, then advance to the most efficacious strength and treatment schedule tolerable. BP breaks down deep in the skin acne into its component parts. The "Benzoyl" part is benzoic acid - this helps penetration acne deep into the pores where the oxidative action of the "Peroxide" kills the bacteria the causes acne. Since clogged pores, full of debris, sebum and bacteria lie below the surface of the skin acne, washing alone simply isn't effective. Aggressive scrubbing while washing or rough drying might "feel good" but only results in creating even more inflammation, further perpetuating the effects of acne. Using a cleanser containing BP, washing gently and then patting dry is such a good choice. A BP cleanser can also be left on for a few minutes for a prolonged application to more resistant areas (such as the back) the same as you would with a gel or a cream. BP is a key ingredient in the ProActive line of anti-acne treatment products.
Opening of pores and enhanced skin cell turnover rejuvenates the look and feel of the skin while the acne is simultaneously attacked. The AHA's also have antibacterial properties against acne. Home use products typically have AHA concentrations of 10% or less, while aestheticians will often use AHA concentrations of 30 - 40% in performing office "chemical peel" treatments. A series of 5 or 6 monthly chemical peels can be a very effective means of breaking the acne "cycle", especially in those over the age of 20 or 30. Physicians will use AHA's of up to 70% for certain chemical peels or treatment situations.
Salicylic Acid- The primary anti-acne action for salicylic acid is through its exfoliation properties as seen with the AHA's. Several Noxzema anti-acne products utilize salicylic acid. Salicylic acid has been in medical use for over 100 years; it is more commonly known as "aspirin"!
Retinoids- These are Vitamin A derivatives which simultaneously act via their exfoliation effects and their stimulatory effects on collagen and skin cell growth. Dead skin cells, pore debris and sebum are loosened and removed. Extractions will be made easier or even obviated. Retinoids increase pore opening and skin cell turnover, generally rejuvenating the look and feel of the skin. But they can also decrease the oiliness of the skin to an excessive degree and make the skin overly dry. Nevertheless, the skin will usually adapt to this after 1 -2 weeks of use and better results will be seen if treatment is not interrupted. Vitamin A derivatives encourage skin cell growth, "plumping" and strengthening of the skin cells, and increased collagen production as well. Retinoids can be found in a very wide variety of anti-acne and general cosmetic skin care products. Caution - retinoid treated skin is overall more sensitive - waxing, laser treatments, chemical peels and similar procedures should be done very conservatively if at all. Retinoid use is associated with birth defects.
Nicotinamide- This is Vitamin B3 and acts as an anti-inflammatory, serving to diminish acne activity.
Tea Tree Oil- This "alternative" topical treatment, also known as "Melaleuca oil" (from the Melaleuca Alternifolia plant) has some antibacterial and antifungal properties to add to its anti-acne effects. 5% tea tree oil is felt to be comparable in action to 5% BP but seems to work in a much more "gentle" fashion.
Sulfur- Sulfur is antibacterial and has both a "peeling" and a drying action on acne affected skin. However, sulfur can have a particularly bad smell, can cause skin discolorations, and can sometimes paradoxically induce the forming of blackheads.
Resorcinol - This primarily acts via its exfoliation properties as described above. Several Clearasil products utilize a combination of resorcinol and sulfur compounds.
II. Moderate Acne - Topical Medications
Typically, prescription basedtopical medications are the best choices for moderate acne. A regimen would generally include one or more of the following: Antibiotics/Antimicrobials, Retinoids, Azeleic Acid.
Antibiotics/Antimicrobials - Clindamycin is one among many of a wide variety of topical antimicrobials which directly kill skin bacteria like Propionibacterium acnes, the most commonly identified bacteria associated with acne lesions. P. acnes actually "lives" on sebum but it is not all that clear if it is the P. acnes itself or other "opportunistic" bacteria in the skin which directly cause acne lesions. Many combinations of topical antimicrobials are available, often combining one or more with BP and/or a retinoid. Allergic type reactions can occur and topical antimicrobials can also be very irritating and harsh on the skin, especially with prolonged use.
Retinoids - Vitamin A derivatives at strong (prescription level) concentrations are commonly used today for moderate acne and generally work as described for retinoids above. 0.1% tretinoin (Retin-A) is the most widely used and well-known of these but this category also includes adapalene (Differin) and tazarotene (Tazorac). Retin-A has become so famous for its anti-aging and wrinkle smoothing effects that its strong value as a powerful and reasonably inexpensive weapon against acne may be overlooked! Dead skin cells, impactions and sebum are more easily shed. Pore opening, and skin cell turnover are facilitated. Enhanced collagen production, plumping of skin cells, and strengthening and rejuvenating of the skin takes place. Common side effects acne can include excessive redness, peeling, and irritation. But again, these effects acne are usually temporary; the skin usually accommodates and better results will be seen if use is continued rather than interrupted. Recommended use is once each evening, but one may need to develop tolerance (by using a lesser concentration to start with and/or by using every other night for the first couple of weeks, for example). Proper use of a high quality moisturizer each day (preferably one containing a sunscreen as well) will soothe the skin, offset the drying effects and limit skin sensitivity to the sun and the elements.
Azeleic Acid- A naturally occurring compound found in wheat, barley and rye plants with anti-acne properties. Clears pores, decreases inflammation, and limits bacterial growth.
III. Moderate to Severe Acne - Prescription Medications:
Oral Antibiotics- Examples: minocycline, doxycycline, tetracycline, Bactrim and erythromycin. Common side effect: sunlight hypersensitivity. Prolonged use often results in a diminishing of effectiveness.
Oral Contraceptives (OC's)/Birth Control Pills - OC's are used to control/stabilize hormone levels and decrease androgenic hormone stimulation - androgens (such as testosterone) increase acne and sebum production. Those with conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) will benefit greatly utilizing this strategy for acne control. Potential dangerous OC use complication: blood clots in the legs - with a significantly increased risk for this in smokers. Spironolactone is a diuretic medication which has also been used for many years to help control acne because of its anti-androgen effects (via receptor blocking).
Oral Retinoids - The most well-known of these is Accutane which is often used as a "last resort" for the most severe and otherwise resistant forms of acne. Accutane literally "shuts down" oil gland function/production while increasing skin cell turnover, opening up pores, loosening plugs, and releasing impactions. Drying effects on the skin can be quite severe and can also affect the lips, the eyes and mucus membranes. There are many potential serious side effects acne. Blood tests are needed for safety monitoring before, during, and after treatment which is typically 4 - 6 months. Hair loss and toxic effects acne on the liver, muscle tissue and bones are possible. Accutane (as are all retinoids) is associated with birth defects - pregnancy prevention while on Accutane is a must. Depression and suicidal thoughts are, unfortunately, also well recognized potential side effects of Accutane use. Patients who desire certain types of cosmetic facial procedures (such as laser facial rejuvenation or chemical peels) must wait a full year after completing Accutane treatment before having such procedures or significant complications related to abnormal or deficient healing can result.
Steroid Injections- Often used for inflamed, nodular or cystic acne (acne vulgaris) lesions. Not only accelerates the recovery and healing of the lesion but also serves to limit the scar potential these lesions can leave in their wake when left untreated. Potential side effects acne: thinning of the skin (atrophy), loss of pigment (hypopigmentation) and the appearance of small "broken capillaries" (telangiectasia).
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