Foods to Avoid When Acne Appears
Acne is often an annoying scourge because it causes the appearance of the face acne to be unattractive and triggers a sense of insecurity. Unstable liver conditions or stress are one of the causes of the appearance of acne and more and more will emerge when someone is lazy to clean his face and consume food that triggers acne.
This is the Food that Must Be Avoided When Acne does not appear more or can be a preventative acne effort so that someone is protected from acne.
1. Chocolate
Many people think that chocolate is the cause of acne, and that there is a truth but that too if consumed in excess. in chocolate there is a very high sugar content which can reduce the body's resistance so that it allows bacteria, viruses or other free radicals to enter the body through food or nasal cavity and cause the emergence of acne-causing bacteria.
2. French fries
French fries contain high fat and accelerate the onset of acne. Fats in the oil can affect the performance of hormones that trigger the appearance of bibntil bitil itching for acne.
Although fried potatoes cause acne, potatoes also have benefits for acne.
The content of nutrients contained in potatoes such as sulfur, potassium, and also phosphorus will improve skin health. Various nutrients are useful to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin which will make the skin become firmer and look younger.
In addition, potatoes are also rich in vitamin C which is useful as a natural antioxidant. Not only that, potatoes are also rich in alkaline content that is anti-bacterial so that it can clean up the acne and bacteria that cause acne to reappear.
the steps that must be taken to utilize potatoes as a natural ingredient to deal with acne are:
• Prepare ingredients, such as potatoes, egg whites, blenders or grated, warm water, and also towels.
• Blend the pieces of potatoes that have been washed using a blender or grater to form a paste.
• Mix grated potatoes with egg white to form like a porridge. An egg white mixture is useful for sticking a potato mask longer on your face.
• Wash the face using warm water so that the pores of the face open.
• Make the potato slurry mixed with egg white into a mask. Wait for 30 minutes until the nutrient content in the potatoes permeates the skin pores.
• Clean the potato mask from your face using warm water.
• Dry the face using a clean towel.
Besides being easy to get, using potatoes for zits is also very effective and does not cause side effects. You need to know, the nutritional content found in potatoes is not only useful for dealing with acne, but also useful for removing acne scars. So, facial skin looks cleaner, firmer, and looks youthful. You can also use a potato mask on the affected part of the skin.
3. Spinach
Spinach is very good for health because it contains iron but has a high iodine content iodine can trigger skin tissue damage on the face, triggering the appearance of acne.
4. Peanuts
Peanuts contain a lot of fat which, if consumed in excess, can make facial skin more oily, where oil on the surface of the skin can bind and absorb dust from free radicals that can clog pores and form blackheads and slowly turn into acnes.
Is it true that peanuts cause acne?
Some people associate the causes of acne due to certain foods. An example is consuming nuts. Peanuts are fruits that grow in the soil which are also called pods. Peanuts have a slightly round and oval shape with a small size. Beans can be consumed after being fried or boiled beforehand according to taste. Basically the contents contained in nuts are as follows:
• Healthy fats that are good for protecting organs in the body from external objects.
• Protein is a compound that is useful for regenerating organs in the body.
• Vitamins that provide nutrition and health in the body.
Some ingredients in peanuts are also good for launching breast milk for mothers who have difficulty extracting their milk as a source of food for babies. But the growth of acne on the skin of the face has absolutely nothing to do with consuming nuts, especially eating nuts only occasionally. It is precisely what is not allowed is to consume nuts if excessive acne. Likewise, consuming other foods should not be consumed excessively. This is because acne when you consume peanuts excessively can activate the oil glands that are in the lower layers of the skin. This oil gland is active because acne of the fat content found in nuts. Therefore if you want to consume it it's good enough
5. Small Shrimp and Lobster
Small shrimp or sea lobster contain many metals and iodine which can trigger the appearance of acne. for someone who has an allergy to iodine, his face will be covered with zits.
6. Milk
Milk is very good for the health defense of the human body but milk has a high fat content that can increase the hormone that causes acne. if you want to consume milk you should choose low-fat milk.
7. Strawberry Fruit
Strawberry is a fruit that is refreshing and contains vitamin C which can increase endurance and prevent premature aging, but the acid can cause acne to grow around the nose in the form of blackheads which can eventually turn into stone acnes.
8. Coffee drinks
Coffee is delicious as a friend in activities and while relaxing, but the substance of caffeine in coffee can increase stress hormones and difficulty controlling mood. Remember stress is one of the biggest factors in the appearance of acnes and blackheads on the face.
9. Cheese Type
the content of glycosa and minyaak which is present when too much is consumed will disrupt the stability of the immune system and trigger the appearance of small cystic nodules that occur when acne occurs.
10. Types of rattan bread
Bread contains a lot of sugar and starches that cannot be digested quickly by the body, allowing acne to develop on some parts of the face, especially the forehead and cheeks.
11. Foods that contain lots of salt
Whatever food is recommended and contains a lot of salt should be avoided, because salt is not able to absorb water properly and inhibits nutrients to spread throughout the body's tissues, consequently triggering the growth of inflamed acne which are slightly difficult to cure.
12. Foods that contain coconut milk
Odoric coconut for skin care to keep it smooth and moist but if consumed excessively through the cooking menu it will not be good for the health of facial skin. coconut milk contains bad fats which can block oxygen intake in blood vessels around the face. if the blood vessels in the face lack oxygen intake, bacteria will easily enter through the pores of the skin and act on causing blockages that trigger acne.
Sometimes acne will appear when the hormones in the body are not smooth, acne can also appear because a woman will menstruate.