Eat Well, Eat Mediterranean!
This May, we�re celebrating Med Diet Month by helping our customers and patients learn about this delicious, nutritious eating pattern. The Mediterranean diet really isn�t a diet at all, but a traditional way of eating practiced by those countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Not to mention, it�s really more of a lifestyle than a diet, incorporating not only what you eat but how you eat it.
Following the Med Diet means enjoying meals with friends and family, being active every day, and even enjoying wine in moderation with meals. The foods in this eating pattern include whole grains, fruits and vegetables, olives and olive oils, seafood, cheeses, and tons of flavor from herbs and spices. Read more to learn about our top picks for Med Diet Month!
Avocados: Avocados are a powerhouse fruit in the Mediterranean Diet! Avocados deliver heart-smart monounsaturated fatty acids to a Mediterranean eating pattern. Yes you�re right, avocados are commonly used for guacamole but did you know you can make a pasta sauce out of them too? Just mash two avocados, add garlic, lemon juice, basil and a pinch of salt and pepper and mix with a whole grain pasta to complete your dish.
Fish and Seafood: Seafood is an important part of a balanced, Mediterranean eating pattern. Fish provides equitable protein to other types of meats/poultry, but with less saturated fat and increased levels of heart-healthy omega-3 fats. It�s recommended to eat fish twice weekly, and new products like StarKist salmon and tuna packets make it easier to get those recommended servings. Also, if you�re not a fan of the �taste of fish,� one of their flavor varieties may make all the difference!
Sparkling Water: Staying properly hydrated is an important piece of the Mediterranean diet and choosing a beverage that has minimal calories is a bonus too. Sparkling water is a traditional staple of the Mediterranean diet as it is a crisp, refreshing taste that pairs well with most meals. If you are looking for a flavored sparking water, say �oh hi� to bubly! Bubly comes in eight flavors, with each can featuring a different smile that matches the unique personality of the flavor. This sparkling water contributes a hint of natural flavor and has absolutely no calories and sweeteners. Instead of choosing a sugar sweetened beverage, grab this yummy alternative instead.
By Ashley Martinez, MFN, RDN, LD
Retail Dietitian Coordinator, Kroger
*Content sponsored by Bubly and Avocados From Mexico